About Me

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Thanks for stopping by! I have tried to create an "about me" several times...hard to talk about myself here but easy in a blog post? I know, I am totally quirky. I even thought after typing, deleting, typing again and then deleting, "do they really care to hear that I am a 39 yr old wife, mother of 2, hairsylist, scrapbooker, writer (obviously), roller blader, walker, furniture repurposer and so on and so forth?" I do (as I said in my title) wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes I am PAINFULLY HONEST. Can be a good trait and can be bad at times. Just ask my mom. I guess a good way to describe that would be a straight shooter? I love taking pictures, meditation and yoga fascinate me. What kind of music do I like? ALL MUSIC! That's really all I have for now. Thanks again for taking the time out of your most likely very busy day or night and reading my blog. I would love to hear your feedback, good or bad. I promise if it's constructive criticism, I will put my big girl panties on :O)

Friday, April 13, 2012

the sun'll come out....

Tonight, I heard "Tomorrow" originally sung by Annie and boy did it bring back so many memories. For one, I had that soundtrack on tape and I used to listen to it at the loudest possible level, in my front yard, while singing along at my highest octave. That is, until a very kind neighbor reminded me it was only 7am on a Saturday. "Although my singing was wonderful", she yelled out of her window to me, "could I please wait until later to serenade the apartment complex?". I have always loved that song, but tonight I thought to myself, "boy was that song the soundtrack of my life!" I mean, was I a fortune teller or what?

We use that word so loosely. Tomorrow we will have more money. Tomorrow, we will get together for coffee. Tomorrow, we will plan a family vacation. Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow. Then 2012 hit. Like a ton of bricks. 4 deaths or 5, not sure, I think I may have lost count. Amongst other stressful things that have happened in the last 90 or so days. Now, tomorrow seems so uncertain and almost frightening to me.. But the song does say the sun will come out "Tomorrow", right? I'm beginning to wonder if the soundtrack to my life goes more like this:

All negativity aside, the sun always does come out tomorrow. granted it's not raining or snowing or if the sun is covered in clouds..then it won't..come out. I think i will listen to the song again. I am normally not a pessimist and this song that I have loved so much my whole life (especially when I was 6 and a half) just might be part of the reason why. You have to have hope that things won't always be THIS way. Tomorrow will come till it's next week, next month, next year and the things you were so worried about are all things that you overcame and made it through and then you can say this:

Also from Annie..LOL
I didn't love that movie or it's music at all did I??

Saturday, March 3, 2012


So, this litle guy, or should I say girl makes me happy. Just a dollar, a measley dollar and I am happy to see her everyday. She sits in my car on the dash and she's solar so the sun makes her dance. It's kinda distracting but it's a dollar worth of happiness for me. 

Alex scoring goals for 14 yrs of his life, this made me happy. No real explanation needed, I mean look a his face in these shots. Just hard work and then BAM,pay off! Thanks Alex, for bringing me that joy for that long.

Rich returning home after being in harms way. Now that's happiness!

My daughter's laugh. I love to see it, hear it and giggle along with it. Enough said.

Repurposing furniture. It's kind of like scrapbooking for me, I don't think about anything else when I am redoing a piece. I just think about how great the project is going to look when it's done. Anticipation at it's finest right there. Like a kid waiting for Christmas or a mickey lover waiting to enter the gates of Disneyland.

My pets make me happy (most of the time). Here's a pic of Abbee, our rottie of 16 yrs, we had her for 12. She adopted us with a house purchase in Modesto in the year 2000. Our pets always seem to just fall into our laps somehow. She was a gentle giant. Knew how to hug like a human. RIP sweet girl

Yep, shooting pics, even if I am just a point and shooter. For now. I will someday take a class but for now just grabbin the cam, finding a spot (sometimes stumbling upon one) and then just seeing how it goes is my thing. I'll own that, sure. Case in point: the first shot of Bailee and Kaleigh is blurry and well, boring. so the next shot I was like "act like you just won a million dollars!" and B.I.N.G.O was his NAME-O! The shot of the night!

So many things make me happy, just thought I'd share and remind myself that life has it's ups!
Thanks for reading  and please let me know what you think. Did it make you happy to read this? What makes you happy??

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How did we get here?

I am not sure how this happened but here we are again kiddo, unfortunately, at odds and getting ready to say goodbye. Only this time, it's for good. We move in with family and you are going to find alternative housing. Just the other day it hit me that I actually kicked you out, that's it for us, no longer a family of four, put a fork in us, were done. I asked myself, "how did we get here?" How did I go from a paranoid mother to one that kicks her son out on the street? When did the worry about you falling after just learning how to walk, the trips that felt so annoying to the store cuz I had to strap you in and out of the car seat, the fun trips away for soccer, the family dinners together stop and  become replaced with arguments about what you are doing to yourself and how the choices you are making affect the family become normal conversation? I think this is what hurts the most.

I remember when I was pregnant with you driving by a huge house in the country with an iron gate and telling your Dad that I wanted to live behind a safe gate like that. He thought it was ridiculous of course, and as usual I was labeled paranoid and we argued, him saying that you can't live your life in fear and me making my point that nothing will EVER be too safe for my future children! I still feel that way and I  worry that 11 days from now you will be on the street and you act like you have not a care in the world about it.

Life used to be really good. So good in fact,  that I felt guilty all the time and sad for the people that weren't as happy as we were. I look back at pictures and can see it in our smiles and I remember how I felt. The times that weren't so great, I can see in pictures too. Those pictures are very hard to look at or scrapbook. I think I have skipped some just because they made me so sad to look at them.

There are days that I think to myself, what a wonderful world...no sorry..whenever I say or type something that sounds like lyrics to a song, I can't help but finish the sentence with the rest of that song. I also can't create a blog post without trying to make someone laugh. Anyway, once we get past all of this conflict and arguing with you, there's no doubt in my mind that we can like each other again. I believe that someday in the future we will again be the picture of a family to be jealous of. At least, that's what I wish for the most.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

temper, temper

A couple of weeks ago, my sister and I were having a discussion about a family member that were not too happy with. I was describing an annoying conversation I had with this person about my veggie garden. I was very proud of this veggie garden and all this person could say was something along the lines of "when I have a veggie garden, it's going to be sooo much better." Kinda childish, but so was my inner reaction. "Really?" I thought to myself, "well, when you build this SPECTACULAR GARDEN, I will be sure to tip toe over to your house (which you don't yet have I might add, you have to actually live in a house with a yard to HAVE a garden) like spy vs. spy and release like 1000 aphids, gophers, rabbits and grubs to eat your garden into oblivion." All I was missing during this inner monologue was an evil laugh. What was this person going to plant to make it soooo much better than mine anyway? A fricken BANANA TREE? My next thought is "man, I really should get this anger issue of mine under control." But I can't. Why? Because I am Italian. Just kidding, that's not the only reason but as stereotypical as this may sound, it's probably a contributing factor. Last night, I was telling my husband how fascinated I am with people. Why people react the way they do. Is it environment, how they were raised? What makes a person either follow in their parent's footsteps or go the opposite direction entirely? I know in my case, I have had my share of people around me that have had one hell of a time controlling themselves. Also, there are certain similarities in my personality that you wouldn't think would be passed down but there is no other explanation. My biological father is a good example of this. We are both total and complete neat freaks. We talked one day about how crumbs on the counter is grounds for a temper tantrum and I wasn't raised by him, it's just in our DNA I guess. My mom is a clean freak too, but I wouldn't say I got my temper from her.
So back to this annoying person. On another occasion, I made the mistake of saying "I wish my garage was clean." And the reply I heard sent me through the roof. I kept it contained but in my mind steam is coming out of my ears. He says, "when I have a garage, it's going to be spotless, because a garage says a lot about a person". Really? It does? hmm, well you know what my garage says? "If you don't step out of my way, something heavy and sharp is going to mysteriously fall on your head." No, what it really says is we are too EFFING busy to clean it. Or, it says we have a family member or two that plays soccer EVERY WAKING second of their lives, so we need every kind of soccer ball, soccer pump and soccer cone you can imagine in our possession. Therefore, we don't have time to douche our garage because we are too flipping busy loading and unloading those said soccer balls, pumps and cones in and out of the "soccer-mobile" so we can get better at playing and coaching soccer!
In the middle of this blog post, as fate would have it, I was distracted by something very important. Making my husband something to eat, because, as I told him to his face, he is helpless. Then, by open enrollment phone calls and deliberation, with my helpless husband, who by the way totally impressed me and signed us up for what will end up saving us a massive amount of money come January. I love you babe, you're the best! So I am distracted by this website I "stumbled upon" called www.highexistence.com/life-secrets-and-tips. WOW! I wish I'd read that earlier...like waaay early...years in fact... before I let my temper take over. 50 tips on how to relax, meditate, think positively. This blogger is my hero and to say the least, a genius. I'M REFORMED! Not really, but it sure did help. You should check it out too,if you are Italian, I mean if you have a temper. I think it puts things into perspective. I'll let you know how I feel in a few weeks....if I was able to put these tips and secrets to good use.....after a few more people TRY to piss me off.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Come on Homeboy

Well..it's been a little over a month since you abruptly left and I can't say it's gotten any easier for any of us. I have to say, I have probably cried every day at least once since you moved out. Your last words were "for the record, that's my x-box". I'm not sure if what you said hurts more than knowing what you are doing to your body. After all, we made that body and for a long time, you kept it pure and chemical free just how we prefer it.
Everything seems to remind me of you. Tonight, I passed by a display of your favorite chips, blazin' buffalo ranch Doritos for $1.99 and I had to talk myself out of buying them. I don't eat them, nor do I need the calories but I felt like Jim Carrey in the movie "Liar Liar". The scene where he is trying not to write the truth and he's battling with the pen. Only I had my hand on the doritos and I am telling myself, "he's not here, Jena...therefore he CAN'T eat them."

I think to myself, "what could I have done differently?" I know I am not perfect and I am sure I've had a number of mistakes under my belt but mostly I think I did the very best I could. I stayed home for almost your whole 18 yrs, running a daycare for 8 of those years out of the house just so I could be available to you and your sister. I sacrificed new clothes for thrift store finds most of the time so we could afford comp soccer with hopes you would play college ball someday. Most of all, I loved you (and still do) with every ounce of my being and I will spend the rest of my life worrying about you and hoping you will be the best person you can be. It's what mom's do!

I had a hard time too,  packing your bag of necessities for you to pick up in the morning. The referee jersey and accessories was the easy part. The rest of the items hit me. You asked for socks and underwear and I opened the drawer....your favorite boxers were right there. I packed them first. Just like you were still here and even though I am mad at you and my feelings are hurt, I thought to myself "he really loves these", while picturing a smile on your face when you unpacked them. I said that to a friend via text and she replied with "aww, that's nice you want his peepee to be comfy?" which made me LOL!  Her intention to put a smile on my face during an all-time low in my mood. Thank you Lisa Varni~you are my bfff!

My dad came for a visit tonight and took us out to dinner, without you. I shouldn't feel guilty but I do having a good time without you. You chose to leave and I feel guilty, what? I told my dad tonight that I didn't think our rules were that unreasonable...most of our rules for you and Bailee are for YOUR safety and well being.  Don't drink and drive, no drugs in this house or your car, be home before 12:30 am because as it gets closer to "last call" at the bars, the greater the risk of being hit by a drunk driver, be respectful, get a job, get good grades, don't sleep all day and help out around the house. Seems easy enough to me but I guess rules are so unbearable that you'd rather sleep in a hot car or couch surf?

I'm totally babbling..it's not my best post by any means but it's how I feel right now and getting it out seems to help. I'll wrap this up by saying I want you to come on homeboy, but only if you are ready and willing to follow the rules of this household. No more lies, no more excuses, be the kid I know you can be, make us proud.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memories, like the corner of my mind

This morning as I watched the mocha I had just ordered swirl around the cup so pretty like a chocolate sunset, it reminded me of when we lived in Crescent City. Way up north near the Oregon border, little one  horse town with just a Safeway, Grocery Outlet and a JCPenney's catalog store. Alex was just a baby when we lived there, from 1994-95, where we celebrated his 2nd birthday, rented our first house, adopted our first dog "Buddy" and the best part? We lived just 2 blocks from the beach. When I think about it, I miss it, but I miss just about every city we lived in....with an exception of Highland in Socal. That place could disappear off the face of the planet and I wouldn't give a hoot. Anyway, there was a delicious cafe on the corner of Nowhere Street and Boonies Avenue, we used to regular there. Funny I don't remember the street names or the name of the cafe and this blog post is about memories. My next blog post should be labeled dementia, it's not just for seniors anymore! They had mochas and lattes TO DIE FOR! I didn't even know what they were before visiting this place.  I guess you could call it "BM" before mocha. I remember being amazed at how the milk and coffee met with yummy swirls trying to merge together as the cup was served. It was heaven in a whimsical little mug.

Memories for other people are just as interesting as what jogs mine. My Grammie and I were just recently in a store and they had an old register with the push buttons, accepts cash only. She turned to me with a smile on her face and said "back in my day, that's all we had". It made me think how she must feel in this world, things are so different now. Cell phones, computers, text messaging, which she has a good grasp of by the way, her humor even comes across in almost every text she sends. When we got her a new cell phone, she immediately wanted to change the ring-tone to "vintage telephone", it's nostalgic for her, probably reminds her of her first phone. Also, I think it's what she recognizes easily and it's the loudest choice!

The smell of rain always makes me think of one of my first dates with my husband. It was pouring down rain and we went to Bancheros (makes me smell Italian food to even say that word), it's only the best Italian food restaurant in Northern California. We always brought food home, the portions are decent sized and it's family style so by the time you get to your entree, "fugedaboutid", you'll never finish it. So back to the rainy part, we got out of the car and I spilled my spaghetti on the driveway. It was raining so hard that it slid down the driveway like slimy worms. It made us laugh big belly laughs (it's not that funny today) but we were happy, in love and everything was funny. Plus, when I first started seeing Rich, I drank iced tea with every meal and the caffeine made me hysterically laugh each time.

I know I am going on and on about this subject but as a scrap-booker ( I just typed "crap-booker which reminds me of the time that I sold a pair of capris on ebay and I listed them as "crapi" jeans, they shockingly sold, I guess there's something for everyone!) As I was saying, as a SCRAP-BOOKER, memories are my thing. I have to remember every little detail so I can journal them for later, much later when I am gone and my kids are thumbing through the albums. I also wrote in their baby books, little sayings and funny stories. I've always liked to hear them about me. My Grammie has told the story a hundred times about how I would yell "NEVERRRRR" from outside the house when they would tell me to turn off the hose. It's a funny visual and it's very me, bossy, defiant and a rebel WITH a cause. That day it just happened to be playing with the water.

Memories are intangible, priceless and one of the most important things in my life. They're what made me what I am today....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wanna save Money?

Visit my coupon blog and learn how to save money by using coupons, bargain internet shopping and using natural products that you typically have on hand for blemishes and cleaning!